Wednesday 19 September 2012

Week Twelve

12 weeks - It is going by soo fast! 

So we were a bit slack this week when it came to taking pictures everywhere we went - While meeting alot of new people and chilling out with family in the pre-wedding celebrations we decided we didn't want to be the 'camera happy tourists' snapping pictures of everyone as they tried to relax and have fun.  So this week - you will just have to take our word for it - we had another Fantasticly Fun week! 

Thursday afternoon - our last afternoon in Michigan before heading back to New Jersey - Bren and Uncle Will visited the Shooting Range. Pretty good shot for a first timer. :D

While the rest of us made top-notch home-made Pizza's for dinner - so yummy! :D 

Friday morning we departed Michigan :( and set off on a 14hour drive back to the Jersey Shore. Bren saying goodbye to his buddies Jay Jay and Maggie...

It was a pretty do-able drive! We much prefer driving 14hours over flying 14hours! 

We woke up to another beautiful day on Long Beach Island. In fact, as I sat here and wrote down 12 weeks as the title and looked through the photos for the week, I really realised how lucky we have been with the weather! It has been amazing day after amazing day with very few (I can't even pin down one at the moment) rainy days. A beautiful Summer in the USA! 

So we hit the beach with the Warren Family!


As we reach the '1 week' mark until Ingrid and Sean's wedding, everyone was beginning to arrive at the Shore! So much excitement! 

With everyone having rented a house on the Island we spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night jumping from extravagant house to extravagant house for celebration dinners and to see everybody and their fancy beach houses for the week! Alot of Fun! 

And spent the days with everybody at the beach...

Another beautiful sunset from the house.

Wilson getting some rays...

2 more days until Ingrid and Sean's Wedding! :D

And to finish Week 12 with a bang - Mum, Dad and Kirby arrived!!!!


  1. Omg, so many gorgeous dogs! & those beach houses <333333

  2. I knew you would appreciate the houses! They are just insane - inside and out! I love walking through and critiquing them though :P
