Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week Fourteen

Summer has come to an end and Fall is now upon us. 

After a morning trip to Woodbury Commons shopping outlets, Bren and Dad went out to play 9 holes at Tuxedo Park Golf Club.  

Thursday we took a little road trip and visited Melissa and Tom in Connecticut. 

Bren taking me for a spin in Meliss' convertible... 

Mum, Dad, Bren and I drove back into New York City for the night on Friday. With one of Mum's friends away for the weekend she offered us her apartment for the night - an oppurtunity too good to pass up. 

We met up with Marty and Drew for dinner at Cafe' Fiorello - An Italian restaurant on the west side of New York (opposite the Opera House).  It was a fantastic night. Delicious food and lots of fun! 

Relaxing back at the apartment...

The next morning we got up and wandered the area up by West 63rd Street - a part of the city we had not yet explored by foot. 

New York Metropolitan Opera House

We then trekked back out of the city to meet Jeff & Lynn in Tuxedo - The Birthday Girl!!

On Jeff's arrival the boys switched cars and went back into the city to watch a Columbia College Football Game and wander Columbia's campus. 

Columbia College Library

Leaving the girls an afternoon for themselves. Which we chose to spend getting Reflexology! If you have not indulged in getting Reflexology you must! It was amazing! Followed with some shopping and a delicious birthday dinner prepared by mum for Aunt Lynn. consisting of my personal favourite birthday foods - Prawn Pasta and Cake! 

The next morning we had a yummy brunch and relaxed in good company before taking the road and heading up to New Hampshire. 

Sad to have our time with Mum and Dad finish and we wish they were up in New Hampshire with us. But time is flying by and we will be home before we know it! 

On the road again...

Although we aren't crazy about the temperature drop it is definitely very cool to be experiencing another season in America.

Pretty Autumn/Fall colours in New Hampshire!

So much fun seeing Pumpkins for sale along the roadside. And people with Halloween decorations outside their homes already! 

Later this morning we fly to LA to meet Daniel and Renee! Exciting!

1 comment:

  1. So many awesome road trips! So lucky you were able to stay at that gorgeous apartment in NYC! xxxx
