Sunday 22 July 2012

Week Four

Monday morning we made the short drive up to New Hampshire from Boston and spent the afternoon shopping at the Outlets.

As we will be in New Hampshire for awhile we joined the Gym and got a few lessons on how to drive on the other side of the road! 

 Still Beautiful Weather - Possibly the Hottest week yet! We still haven't seen a day of rain!

 Gracie likes to cool off and dive in the pool too...

Visiting the Batting Cages at Grants Work!

 Roadtrip to Burlington, Vermont with Ingrid and Sean!

Drinks and Snacks in Church Street with the clan before heading to the Vermont Brewery Festival!

Having a stretch before the Beer Drinking Begins...

Vermont Brewery Festival



Bren's first time making/eating S'mores!

Graham Cracker + Hersheys Chocolatte + JUMBO Marshmallow = S'more

Thursday 12 July 2012

Week Three

Off to South Boston.

Wilson likes to sit up front and be co pilot with the Boys.

Back to Charlestown for some Afternoon Drinks at 'Tavern on the Water'! Very cool place -Delicious seafood, yummy cocktails, and an amazing view of Boston City!

Bren and Wilson - Buddies <3

Tuesday night we went to the Burlington Mall and did some Shopping and saw Ted - Good laugh!

Dinner at the North End which is the Italian part of Boston - really cool area, lots of great Restaurants and a fun atmosphere!
 We ate at Trattoria with Ingrid and Sean - AMAZING AMAZING Seafood and Pasta.  <3

And then dessert from Modern Pastry just down the road in the North End - YUM!

Friday morning we took a little Road Trip to Plymouth with Sean and Ingrid for a night.

Twilight Golf at Southers Marsh Golf Club in Plymouth

Saturday Night out in South Boston - Awesome Roof Deck!

Saturday 7 July 2012

Week Two

Ocean City Board Walk! 

And Ofcourse we had to go on the Board Walk Ferris Wheel!

Salt Water Taffy and Fudge Candy Shop on The Boardwalk - YUM!

Sunday morning we went for Breakfast at the Neptune Market in Harvey Cedars, a fun and happening place! Snack Bar Style where you sit on barstools at the bench surrounding the cook. We then began our 7 hour drive to Boston!

Below is the view from Sean and Ingrids apartment where we are staying -
Charlestown looking back at Boston City. 

Exploring Boston - Pretty City!

Visiting Harvard University and Harvard Square.  

Afternoon Oysters and Mojito's in a cute little restaurant in Harvard Square.

Day Two in Boston we beat the feet and walked the North End - Italian part of Boston. Old Brick Architecture and lots of amazing Italian Restaurants!

We continued walking into Downtown Boston and the Waterfront. Quite an Old City but pretty and alot of character!