Saturday 30 June 2012

Week One

Hi Guys!

Here is our blog to keep you all updated on our whereabouts and happenings. 

We arrived in New York on Wednesday night. Stopping at The Cheesecake Factory on our way home - Cool place! Below is Bren's first Big Feed in the Big Apple - Far better than the Airplane food! 

We stayed in Tuxedo Park for a couple of nights with Brit's Grandparents. Spending our first day lazing by the Tuxedo Club Pool and soaking up the sun. 35degrees! 

On Friday we set for the Shore House in Long Beach Island

Another 35 degree day! Our days so far consisting of Swimming in the Bay...

...and tanning.

Check this!!

Craziest Storm we have ever seen! 
(Video taken from our lounge window)
This Lightning woke us all at 2am last night. The wind lifted 2 chairs off the deck and stole Brens knickers! 

We then woke up to another beautiful hot day!

Surf City Pizza for Dinner - So BIG and so YUM!

Nana Ingrid and Bren in South Jersey for Erin's Graduation Party

Off to WALMART for Groceries!

American Hot Dogs and Lambchops for Dinner! 
(Sharing the cooking)

LBI Sunset

Bball at the local courts

We biked down to Barnegat Lighthouse and climbed it to the top.
This is the view looking back at the Island and Ocean. 

 We will keep you updated